HCV Portability
Presentation - HCV Portability
Presentation - HCV Portability
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The document from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) provides comprehensive training information on the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Portability Program. This program allows families to move their rental subsidies across different jurisdictions outside of the Public Housing Authority (PHA) that initially issued the voucher.<br /><br />The training is targeted at portability specialists, coordinators, and anyone involved in handling portability within housing and redevelopment. A poll within the document gauges participants' interest in learning about different aspects of portability, such as billing, rules, or a general overview.<br /><br />Portability allows families with a tenant-based voucher (TBV) to use their subsidy in any jurisdiction with an HCV program. The guide outlines the eligibility criteria, including residency and income requirements, which must align with the regulations and limits of portability as defined by federal laws and notices, like the 24 CFR 982 and PIH Notice 2016-09.<br /><br />It also elaborates on the roles and responsibilities of initial and receiving PHAs during the portability process. The initial PHA issues the voucher and coordinates with the receiving PHA to either administer or absorb the ported family into their program. There are specific documentation, communication, and logistical processes that both PHAs must follow, including responsibilities related to briefings, voucher issuance, family notifications, and billing.<br /><br />The document also details scenarios where portability can be denied, such as insufficient funding, lease violations, or non-compliance with PHA policies, although exceptions exist for circumstances like the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).<br /><br />The training concludes with administrative processes for handling portability, including billing, renewing assistance, terminations, and provisions related to specific voucher types like VASH or Moving to Work (MTW) vouchers. Throughout, the guide emphasizes the importance of cooperation between PHAs to ensure the effective administration of the HCV portability program.
Housing Choice Voucher
Portability Program
Public Housing Authority
tenant-based voucher
portability specialists
PHA coordination
federal regulations
NAHRO training
billing and rules
VASH and MTW vouchers
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