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Certified Management Executive (CME) New Application

This CME certification application is for anyone applying for a new CME certification with NAHRO. If you are applying for a CME recertification, please go back to look for the Certified Management Executive (CME) Recertification Application.

To view the CME requirements before applying, please visit Note that any training or exam requirements remain valid for three years after completion; training and exam scores must have been completed within three years of application for this certification.

This certification may require additional Continuing Education Units (CEUs), depending on your years of experience. If needed, please make sure that these CEUs are visible on your NAHRO Transcript. To view your transcript, go to and click on Transcript. This application will only be approved if you have the correct number of completed CEUs on your transcript from NAHRO trainings.

Before starting: Please ensure that you have the following documents if they apply to you.  

If you are using a non-NAHRO training for the training requirement: A participation certificate for the training.


If you are waiving the training requirement using years of experience: A resume or other document with a list of your work experience.


Note: To waive the training requirement for the CME, you must have fifteen (15) or more years of experience in a senior management position (CEO, Executive Director, Deputy Director, or Department Director). For more information about these requirements, please view the NAHRO CME page listed above.

As you are completing the application, please note:

If you are applying for multiple certifications, you will need to fill out a separate application for each certification you are applying for.

Once you start the application, you cannot save and come back. Please make sure to fully complete and submit the application before leaving the page.

The name associated with this account will be printed on the certificate of Certification exactly as it is presented on the account. If you would like a different name on your certificate, please change how your name is displayed in your account or contact to change it for you.

NAHRO will use the email on the account you are currently signed into for communication about your certification.

Availability: Self-Report
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
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