This CSI-HQS recertification application is for anyone applying for recertification with their currently existing CSI-HQS certification with NAHRO. If you are applying for a new CSI-HQS, please look for the Certified Specialist of Inspection – Housing Quality Standards (CSI-HQS) New Application.
Before starting: Please ensure that you have the Continuing Education Units (CEUs) needed to recertify. The CSI-HQS requires 0.5 CEUs for recertification. CEUs must be completed during the time period your certification is active. For example, if your certification was issued on 1/1/2024 and expires on 1/31/2027, your CEUs must be completed between these two dates. NAHRO does allow a six-month grace period after certification expiration. If you have completed these CEUs, please make sure that they are visible on your NAHRO Transcript. To view your transcript, go to and click on Transcript. This application will only be approved if you have the correct number of completed CEUs on your transcript. If you have taken trainings or completed CEUs outside of NAHRO Professional Development courses, you can fill out the Approval for CEUs application to get these CEUs approved and added to your account. Please make sure any self-certify CEUs are on your account before completing this application.
For more information about CEUs, please visit
As you are completing the application, please note:
If you are applying for multiple recertifications, you will need to fill out a separate application for each certification you are applying for.
Once you start the application, you cannot save and come back. Please make sure to fully complete and submit the application before leaving the page.
The name associated with this account will be printed on the certificate of Certification exactly as it is presented on the account. If you would like a different name on your certificate, please change how your name is displayed in your account or contact to change it for you.