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PHA Operations for Executive Leaders
1pm-4pm ET each day.

Are you new to affordable housing or looking to build the technical skills you need to lead your agency? 

Leading a housing agency is a challenging and rewarding job but if you’re new to the industry, changing agencies or promoting from program management, this class will help you get up to speed so much quicker!  

This course will assist executive leaders to understand fundamental agency operations, decisions and systems. You will leave this class knowing how to locate key HUD forms and important dates, as well as the basics of HUD systems,  budgets, subsidies, agency plans, applications, waiting lists, human resources and the impacts of key decisions you’ll be making in your new role.  


After completing this training, participants will be able to:  

  • Locate key HUD forms, documents and due dates 
  • Determine best practices for budget development and presentation and prepare for agency audits 
  • Recognize the connections between the Capital Fund Program and the agency planning process
  • Understand and ensure appropriate employee access to key HUD systems
  • Recognize key agency operational plans, policies and their impacts on your programs
  • Understand key human resources functions and recognize their importance on organizational success 
Who Should Attend?
  • New Executive Directors/CEOs
  • New Deputy Directors/COO
  • New PHA Executives
Availability: Retired
Cost: Member: $628.00
Non-Member: $928.00
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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